The Martian: Scientific accuracy didn't matter, enjoyed the fiction

The Martian - Andy Weir

I read The Martian earlier this year and enjoyed it. While there has been talk of how scientifically inaccurate it is, that didn't sway my enjoyment. Read fast some of the parts about scientific calculations, accepted credibility of them by "suspense of belief", my attention was mostly on the story itself, the atmosphere surrounding it and Mark's psychological state. He is optimistic but I like to think he has his own moments of despair which he doesn't write about and hide behind humor and a pragmatic mind.


The presentation of some of problems are interesting, especially one chapter starts in a way that I think most readers would guess what's coming but Mark doesn't, which adds to sense of suspense pervading throughout the book. Some of the things Mark does for survival sound really crazy, hyperbolic and hard to believe, their length and physical labor involved, but I found them exciting and included them to the pile of "suspense of belief" already mentioned.


I expected the language of the book would be difficult but it turned out to be opposite. I found the read easy and despite the length of book it didn't took much of my effort to go through the story and finish it.


The description of technological objects are adequate to imagine them which I liked to do. Each reader might imagine them differently. Of course if they haven't watched the movie like me.


To conclude, The Martian would be a more interesting book to read if one looks beyond scientific and realistic inaccuracy and sees it as a sci-fi fiction similar to fantasy fiction. After all, fantasy fiction about magic, dragons and supernatural realms are read and loved. Why wouldn't The Martian, despite its impossibility, be loved?